We have a 2 year old male looking for a home.

From our Beaches x Bing litter.
This boy was sold by us at 8 weeks and raised with a family. He is a great house dog and crate trained. He is a sweet boy but an incident at a dog park (when he got jumped by another dog) has him somewhat defensive when on a leash towards other dogs. He is good with other neutral dogs when properly introduced.  Please email us for more about his story if interested.
IF you are interested in an older dog, please send us an email. Sometimes we may know of one looking for a home and is with another breeder. Rehome dogs with known pedigrees, no temperament or health issues, and under 3 years of age will normally run around $1000 to $3000. If you are looking to spend less than that, then please contact us about a rescue and/or let us know up front your budget.

Serious inquiries only please.
Contact us for more information.